"I Feel Like We Got Our Daughter Back!"

family parents Oct 06, 2023

One night I was standing in my office with the parents of a girl who was a client in my addiction treatment program. We had just completed her graduation group, which marked her successful completion of treatment. As we were standing there having a little closure and saying good-bye, the dad started getting emotional, and all of a sudden burst into tears and blurted out:

"I feel like we got our daughter back." 

He went on to talk about how helpless and desperate they had felt a few short weeks earlier when their daughter was struggling and not getting with the program. 

But they had just been listening to her talk in group about how good she was feeling about herself, how excited she was about being sober, and how grateful she was that her parents had been so tough on her and forced her to complete the treatment. 

It was that moment when it really hit me how hard it is for families to address a substance use issue with a loved one, and how much help they need in knowing how to navigate this road to successful recovery. 

After running my own adolescent treatment program for over ten years, I decided to turn my attention to working directly with parents to support and guide them through this whole process and arrive at a successful outcome. 

I wrote a book called Rehab Works! A Parent's Guide To Drug Treatment. 

Then I developed an entire online family education program based on Rehab Works!

Today I provide one-on-one coaching for parents to help you in all the stages of addressing a substance use issue with your child:

  • Early stage: Assessment, intervention and placement
  • Treatment Support: Specialized family education and treatment coordination to give your child the best chance possible for treatment success.
  • Aftercare: The recovery journey is far from over following the primary phase of treatment. Ongoing support for parents puts you in the best position for providing effective support and responding to situations when they arise. 

My goal is to help you have the best experience possible if you are in the position of addressing a substance use issue with your teen or young adult child. Because quite frankly, there are too many horror stories of poor outcomes and failed treatment attempts. But there's a lot that can be done to avoid that from happening—things that are totally within your control, and that can put you in the drivers seat on the road to successful recovery for your child. That's how I help parents today. 

LEARN MORE: RehabWorks Family Recovery Package

There's a link on that page for you to schedule a free consultation with me where we can talk about any ways I may be able to help.




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