Does Rehab Really Work???

May 02, 2021

The short video above addresses what I consider to be somewhat of an elephant in the room when it comes to the public perception of "drug rehab." And that's the question of whether rehab really works, or is it just an expensive waste of time?

This particular video comes from the introduction section for RehabWorks, an online educational program I created specifically for families of treatment clients, so in it I'm speaking directly to folks who are getting ready to go through a program that's going to teach them what they can be doing to contribute to their loved one's treatment success.

But my reason for sharing this with the general public is for the main message that, "Yes, rehab really does work." Because if we don't talk about the elephant in the room—and that's the fact we all probably know someone who's been through rehab and it "didn't work"—it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that rehab doesn't work. And when that happens, we run the risk of people not getting the help they need—which in many cases just might save their life.  

Good things happen in rehab.  And—spoiler alert—rehab really does work. But watch the video to find out what I'm talking about. 


Fun fact: I started writing this post yesterday, May 1. But I'm finishing it today, on May 2—which happens to be the anniversary of my own sobriety date. May 2, 1988—33 years ago today—I stepped into a drug treatment facility out in the Arizona desert and have been clean and sober ever since. My life is miraculously different, and I guess I am genuine proof that rehab really does work!

The desert where my recovery journey began on May 2, 1988. 




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